The theme of this book is that whatever our field, we are in a people business, and healthy relationships with our people are vitally important. It is said that managers focus on numbers, while leaders focus first on their people. Just as leaders make things better, so too may anyone and everyone within a company. We, of course, must do our job very well, and to advance we must be a great teammate, and be alert to how our company could improve and to help make that happen. We want ideas to flow up. The various chapters discuss important principles and practices of highly effective leadership and that conversations are the work of a leader. This certainly includes one-on-one conversations, which is how we develop and maintain healthy and productive working relationships. Communicate frequently and clearly, treat people with respect, kindness, and dignity, and we will have an enthusiastic and engaged team. We all can be successful and still prioritize our faith, family, friends, and our well-being.